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Tax Rates Are Falling in the States

A top priority of CTUP has been to work with governors, state legislators, and ALEC to get lower tax rates in the states. It’s all paying off. We’re winning.

Here’s a cheerful rundown from our friends at ALEC:

In recent years, we’ve seen significant income tax relief in the states. Notably, 10 states – Kentucky, West Virginia, Montana, Utah, Arkansas, North Dakota, Indiana, Nebraska, Connecticut, and Ohio – have cut personal income taxes (PIT) in 2023. With the new addition of West Virginia, North Dakota, and Connecticut, 22 states have cut personal income taxes since 2021, with several of these states cutting taxes multiple times during that period…

Taxpayers in several of the states that made cuts in 2023 have seen tax relief multiple times in recent years. Ohio’s cuts, signed on Independence Day, moved the top PIT rate to 3.5% from 3.99%, and Montana’s cuts dropped the PIT rate to 5.9% from 6.5%. Utah, Arkansas, and Nebraska have cut taxes in each of the last three years. Utah’s PIT rate was reduced from 4.85% to 4.65%, Arkansas’ went from 4.9% to 4.7%, and Nebraska’s went from 6.84% to 3.99%.

West Virginia reduced its PIT by an average of 21.25%, and North Dakota went from a top rate of 2.9% to 2.5%.

We won’t rest until every red state eliminates its personal income tax – so they can be super/competitive like Florida and Texas.

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