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Teacher Unions Suffer Pandemic Backlash

The pandemic revealed just how “woke” public schools are in many states not just to parents, but to teachers as well.

A big complaint of union members is that the National Education Association and its state affiliates report spending more than twice as much money on political expenditures than they do representing its members.

According to a Freedom Foundation investigation, the Oregon Education Association (OEA) has lost just shy of one in five of its members. They have taken advantage of the 2018 Supreme Court ruling that mandatory union dues violate public employees’ First Amendment rights.

The breaking point for many Oregon teachers came during the pandemic. As Freedom Foundation reports: “While demanding public schools remain closed to in-person learning despite credible evidence showing youngsters seldom contract the virus and almost seldom die of it, OEA and its labor allies successfully blocked hundreds of children from continuing their education at virtual public charter schools in 2020.”

Student test scores plummeted to an all-time low. The legislature’s response wasn’t to pass reforms, but instead to pass a bill suspending the state requirements that students demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, and math to graduate from high school.

The teacher unions are engaged in unforgivable abuse of our children.

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