The Blue State Exodus Accelerates

United Van Lines has just released its 45th Annual National Movers Study, and it confirms what the Census population data reported back in December: increasing numbers of Americans are packing their bags and stampeding out of high-tax liberal states.

The number one loser state with outward bound movers is New Jersey – for the 4th straight year. New Jersey has the highest property tax rate in the U.S. and the 3rd highest personal income tax rate.

The other states chasing out its citizens are in order Illinois, New York, Connecticut, and California.

The top inbound states all have lower taxes:

South Dakota, South Carolina, West Virginia, and Florida. How embarrassing it must be for the left that people are leaving New York and Illinois for WEST VIRGINIA – a state that Bette Midler thumbs her nose at as filled with “illiterate” country bumpkins.

Taxes, lockdowns, increased crime and other and other blue state activities are causing a stampede to red state America where freedom and safety still prevail.

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