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The Left’s Next Big Regulatory Target: Farmers and Ranchers

Don’t be surprised if Kamala Harris uses her acceptance speech tonight to embrace a federal tax on methane emissions from oil and gas operations.

The Green New Deal bill passed by Congress in 2022 (with Vice President Harris casting the tie-breaking vote in the Senate) is scheduled to reduce methane emissions by 30 percent by 2030.

By the way, methane is not a conventional pollution. No one gets sick from methane as might happen with particulates from lead or sulfur or carbon monoxide.

The methane regs are part of the left’s lunatic war on natural gas – because gas is clean and efficient and cheap. But methane is also emitted by cows and livestock.

This raises the question of whether burgers and steaks will be outlawed under a Kamala Harris administration.

Don’t laugh. The biggest defense of the Green New Deal at the DNC this week came from Biden-Harris wingman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. In 2019 AOC sanctimoniously lectured: “Maybe we shouldn’t be eating a hamburger for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Like, let’s keep it real. We have to take a look at everything.”

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