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The Department of Homeland Insecurity

You’ve probably heard by now that our own government has been censoring conservative voices on social media. The Biden administration is labeling views that they disagree with on social media as “misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation.” Government officials at the Department of Homeland Security have been directing social media platforms to enforce a single point of view on “the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, racial justice, U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the nature of U.S. support to Ukraine.”

Wait. Isn’t THIS the real “threat to democracy?”

This suppression of dissent and free speech s characteristic of what tyrants do around the world when they take power. Our own government has turned against us – which is especially frightening because much of what has been labeled “misinformation” has been proven to have been proven true. The government has been the distributor of misinformation about COVID, etc.

We agree with former NSA counterintelligence officer John Schindler that investigating this scandal must be high on the agenda of the next Congress:

The report elaborates that DHS this spring advocated employing third-party nonprofit groups as a “clearing house for information to avoid the appearance of government propaganda.” Biden’s DHS wanted to use ostensibly private cut-outs to spread political propaganda approved by the White House, paid for with taxpayer money.

This must end now. We need a 9-11 style commission to find out how this happened, who did it, and how we can prevent it from happening again.

The Comer/CMR/Jordan bill (HR8752) would prohibit any government employee from directing a private company to censor First Amendment speech. That would be a good start.

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