Well, we sounded the alarm and sent boats and helicopters to try to save Republicans from themselves.
But as the old saying goes! You can lead a horse to water…
For forty years, the WEP prevented government workers with lavish pensions earned while exempt from federal payroll taxes from getting windfall Social Security benefits, by working 10 years in a regular job.
On the key Senate vote yesterday, only one of the 13 Republican cosponsors we urged to reconsider (Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee) came to her senses and voted no. But twelve more Republicans who had not cosponsored the bill voted for it, bringing the Republican total to 24 and making the overall count 73 to 27.
For the record, here are their names. You’ll notice a lot of people who voted to spend/borrow $200 billion on a give-away to public employee unions who should have known better… Sometimes we feel like giving up!