We are excited to announce that Unleash Prosperity will be releasing our new state-of-the-art interactive website called VoteWithYourFeet.com early next year. It will document how high taxes and regulations affect where Americans move to and from.
The website will use the most comprehensive data from IRS and Census, but for a preview of what we may see here is the latest data from a smaller survey, the American Community Survey, as a sneak preview of the kind of data we are assembling and presenting.
Look at the top destination states. They are among the lowest-income tax states in the nation.
More remarkable is that the six highest tax states in the country are ALL losing people at record amounts.
You might say people are voting with their feet against high taxes and lousy government services.
Kudos to our friend Governor Glenn Youngkin of Virginia who has transitioned VA from net out-migration to net in-migration in three short years.