The Sad Demise Of A Once-Great Magazine

The Economist is more than a century old and for most of that time was an iconic magazine that boldly challenged conventional wisdom and refuted doomsday declinism. That sadly changed about a decade ago when the Economist reversed its position and caved into the doomsday climate change narrative. From thoughtful skeptic, the Economist is now a relentless voice for the doomsday scenario.

We winced when we saw last week’s umpteenth alarmist cover story about the temperature of the planet rising by 1.5 degrees without urgent governmental action.

We’re certainly not climatologists and maybe the earth is In a secular warming cycle. Our point is that only a fool would believe that politicians, windmills, and Teslas are going to save the planet. If you still subscribe to and read the Economist, you’re wasting your time.

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