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The Shocking Failure of Baltimore Schools

Fox45 News Baltimore reports:

The latest round of state test results is raising alarm in Baltimore City Schools. Project Baltimore found that 40% of Baltimore City high schools, where the state exam was given, did not have any students score proficient in math. Not one student.

“This is educational homicide,” said Jason Rodriguez, deputy director of People Empowered by the Struggle, a Baltimore-based nonprofit…

Last school year, Baltimore City Schools received $1.6 billion from taxpayers, the most ever. The district also received $799 million in Covid relief funding from the federal government. And still, not a single student tested at 13 City high schools scored proficient on the state math test.

“So, it’s not a funding issue. We’re getting plenty of funding,” said Rodriguez. “I don’t think money is the issue. I think accountability is the issue.”

Previous reporting by the same station found that the CEO of Baltimore City Schools is pulling down a cool $444,875 in total compensation. Talk about rewarding failure.

The teachers unions keep arguing that the schools just need more money. But Baltimore is proof that no amount of taxpayer dollars can fix monopoly public school systems. We need school choice, everywhere.

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