The Truth About Trump Vs Biden on COVID Response

President Biden continues to hammer Trump on his response to COVID, so we thought now would be a good time to compare their records.

The ad shows clips of Trump downplaying the then-nascent COVID-19 pandemic and the rapidly increasing deaths from the virus.

There’s only one problem with the ad.  It turns out from the government’s own statistics that MORE Americans have died from COVID under Biden than Trump. That’s pretty amazing given that the most virulent strain of the virus occurred in the first months of 2020 and that the vaccine was released at the END of the Trump presidency.

The truth is that neither president did a good job in responding to COVID, as our recent landmark CTUP study on the “Lessons Learned from COVID” shows.

The study concludes that nearly every governmental response had a negative effect. One of the few policies that worked was Operation Warp Speed, which got the vaccine out by the end of 2020. (Vaccine mandates were an unforgivable mistake.)

One other statistic that we think every American should know is that lockdowns and stay-at-home orders killed more people (because of delayed health care, loneliness, drug abuse, alcoholism, and other deaths of despair) than they saved. Here are the numbers:

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