Trump (and Reagan) Take On and Take Out Thomas Malthus

One of Trump’s heroic executive orders was reinstating Ronald Reagan’s Mexico City policy, which ends all federal taxpayer funding for overseas abortions.

We at UP don’t take any position on social issues – including abortion. But the Mexico City policy has been distorted for decades by the left as a “gag order.” This edict does NOT in any way inhibit a woman in Nigeria or Egypt or El Salvador from having an abortion. It simply says American taxpayer dollars won’t pay for them.  Planned Parenthood is free to fund every abortion in the world if they wish – and they have the money to do it.

For many decades, “family planning” became a euphemism for Malthusian population control. Having too many children was regarded by the Limits to Growth crowd (led by Paul Ehrlich of “The Population Bomb” fame) as a threat to the planet in much the same way that the climate crazies view CO2 emissions today.

These “family planning” programs included funds to support grizzly and inhumane FORCED abortion policies, sterilization programs, and even sex-selection infanticide in “one child” policies in nations like China. For decades, there were millions of girls demographically missing in China. The United Nations praised the China one child orders as “effective.” The cruel irony is that these procedures were the OPPOSITE of a woman’s “right to choose.” It became the government’s right to choose who could have babies and how many.

Julian Simon taught us all that human beings are the planet’s greatest asset and the world’s Ultimate Resource.  He reminded us that capitalism and prosperity result in net resource creation, not depletion. The multi-billion dollar “family planning” racket still to this day rejects that.

What a relief that Trump – like Reagan – is a humanist who gets that.

The chart below shows that more people means more food and less famine.

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