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Trump and Tariffs

We’ve said many times that Trump has used the threat of tariffs as a negotiating tool – a weapon – to get other nations to do things that are in America’s economic and national interests. And he did that effectively in his first term, using tariff threats to get Mexico to cooperate on the border and Europe to increase defense spending.

But we want to make sure that we don’t deviate from the universal truth that free trade enhances prosperity and that protectionism makes nations poorer. Adam Smith taught us that in 1776.

So we would like to suggest four better ways to keep jobs here at home:

      • Keep the tax rate on American businesses as low as possible. Raising the corporate and small business tax rate is one of the surest ways to lose jobs.
      • Repeal hundreds of regulations that make it more expensive to do business in America.
      • Make every state a right-to-work state. Forced unionization destroys jobs. America isn’t losing manufacturing jobs. Forced-union states in the Northeast and the Midwest are.
      • Produce fossil fuel and nuclear energy in the United States to lower production costs of manufacturing items—drill baby drill.

That is what we at Unleash Prosperity are for.

Republicans need to re-read this book:

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1155 15th St NW, Ste 525
Washington, DC 20005