U. Of Austin Seeks To Reinvent The University

Too many of America’s 4,000 colleges and universities have become dismal centers of intellectual stagnation, intolerance and indignation.  We’re pleased to note that the new University of Austin has opened its doors in Texas to provide a classical liberal education.

The school’s president is Pano Kanelos, the former head of the esteemed St. Johns College in Annapolis, Md., which teaches undergraduates using the “Great Books” program.  UATX has a Center for Entrepreneurship and Leadership, which is designed to “equip students with the entrepreneurial spirit and practical skills necessary to build innovative businesses, craft impactful policies or enrich our cultural landscape.”


We can only hope this audacious start-up the best succeeds in shaking up the closed-minded and blame

America first mentality of modern higher education.

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