We Won’t Be Fooled Again

The House Budget Committee will mark up a budget resolution today that includes the Trump tax cut extension. This is in sharp contrast to the Senate version that includes zero tax cuts under that body’s dangerous plan to scrap the Trump “one big beautiful bill” strategy and punt the tax issue until later in the year.

Kudos to House Republicans for moving quickly on tax cuts. But they are foolishly tethering themselves to an absurdly wrong Congressional Budget Office score that says making the Trump tax cuts permanent will cost more than $4 trillion. These are the same math geniuses who told us in 2017 that the Trump tax cuts would COST $2 trillion, when by the end of 2024, revenues are HIGHER than if we hadn’t passed the tax cut at all.

Time for the GOP to start singing the lyric from the classic ’60s song by The Who: “We won’t get fooled again.” Or maybe it should be “We won’t be FOOLS again.”

We are told there is no law forcing Republicans to use the crooked scores of the CBO. It’s time to use real-world scoring that takes account of the explosive growth of the economy from Trump’s lower taxes and aggressive deregulation agenda.

And if anything needs to be paid for, repeal every word of the Biden Inflation Acceleration Act boondoggle – which needs to be restored to reflect its rapidly escalating costs, which Cato now pegs at up to $4.6 trillion.

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