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We’ve Seen the Future and It’s Natural Gas

The price of natural gas has fallen in recent weeks to $2 MMBTU, which is the lowest price level for energy after adjusting for inflation than any time in 20 years – and probably ever in the history of mankind.

Prices Down, Down, Down.

Because of modern drilling technologies – including horizontal drilling and fracking – Natural gas is now cheaper than bottled water, which now sells for $2.69.

A constant theme of the Hotline is that the so-called “green-energy transition” is a figment of the left’s oversized imagination. Despite hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars thrown at wind and solar power, we still get less than 10% of our energy from green sources. The needle hasn’t moved.

Meanwhile, natural gas has all the attributes of a wonder fuel. It is abundant, made in America, clean-burning (using natural gas REDUCES carbon emissions), reliable, and cheap.

It can also be used for all of America’s energy needs – including transportation. (If we go with electric vehicles we are going to get the power from natural gas.)

The left, of course, is against natural gas because it is TOO cheap and TOO abundant. Why use natural gas when you can use expensive and completely unreliable wind power?

We need permits for more LNG terminals and pipelines so we can transport our natural gas resources to every region of the country and export it across the world.

Unleash Prosperity Hotline


1155 15th St NW, Ste 525
Washington, DC 20005