One inconvenient truth for the global warming apocalyptics is that far more people die from cold weather than heat. It isn’t even close. The consensus opinion is that “moderate cold [versus moderate warming] dominates temperature-related deaths across most of the world.”
Here is the best and most recent data available:
Yet in a hit piece aimed at our friend and incoming Energy Secretary under Trump, Chris Wright of Liberty Energy, the Wall Street Journal’s Benoît Morenne mocks Wright for the view “that global warming probably reduces modestly the number of annual deaths related to extreme temperatures.”
In a classic case of journalistic contortion, Morenne counters: “Recent estimates from health researchers suggest otherwise. They say that in coming decades, the rise in extreme heat-related deaths will outweigh the decline in extreme cold-related deaths.”
What health researchers, exactly? The ones who put ideology over facts? The ones who get million dollar grants from the government? Who are you going to believe: tens of thousands of years of evidence or predictions by “health researchers?”
In our book, Wright has the story exactly right: “Climate change… is a real and global phenomenon but it should be treated honestly and evaluated as trade-offs not as a religion or a cult.”