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Who Knew Saving the Planet Could Be SO Lucrative?

We’ve only said about 100 times on these pages that the green in the green movement isn’t about a cleaner environment, but the color of money.

We now have more evidence that the green movement is a scam. Mark Morano of Climate Depot has called our attention to a new report by E&E News which recorded the salaries of the top officials at the leading environmental groups. Many of them make a salary of close to $1 million or more.

  1. Carter Roberts, president and CEO, World Wildlife Fund
    His base pay in 2022 was $904,841, according to the World Wildlife Fund’s tax records. Roberts’ total reported compensation that year was $1,204,775.
  2. Fred Krupp, president, Environmental Defense Fund
    EDF’s leader of nearly four decades took home base pay of $669,771 in 2021, the group’s records show. Krupp’s total compensation that year was $922,022.
  3. Jennifer Morris, CEO, the Nature Conservancy
    Morris, who started as the conservation group’s CEO in May 2020, earned $732,138 in base pay during her first full year on the job in 2021, the tax filing shows. Her total compensation that year was $758,013.
  4. Elizabeth Gray, CEO, National Audubon Society
    Gray was promoted in November 2021 to become the group’s permanent CEO. Her base pay that year was $462,069; her total compensation was $705,458.
  5. Mitchell Bernard, interim president, Natural Resources Defense Council
    His base pay in 2021 was $479,498, the records show. His total compensation that year was $705,195.

These are NON-profit organizations that raise tax-deductible, donated dollars. And these CEOs are getting rich off of these charitable contributions? These do-gooders aren’t even embarrassed by their annual haul.

It all goes to show that a lot of “environmentalists” are getting really rich off of the $1 trillion climate change industrial complex.

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