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Why Are “Progressives” Denying Minorities the Right To Attend Good Schools?

An update on CTUP’s sister organization Prosperity Now’s  “George Wallace Democrats” ad: we are now up to 1.5 million views across all platforms, and it has sparked attention and applause across the country. The goal is five million views so we are just getting started.

This recent tweet is an example of the response it is generating.

The latest version of the ad will be running in North Carolina in the weeks ahead, as Unleash Prosperity Now will try to help push a bold school choice expansion bill over the goal line in Raleigh. The legislature will attempt to override Dem. Governor Roy Cooper’s veto. You may recall that Cooper is so firmly in the hip pocket of the teacher unions that he declared a “state of emergency” to try to stop thousands of minority and low-income kids from attending better schools. (Just like George Wallace.)

If you want information about how you can help to keep this ad running, please contact us.

Unleash Prosperity Hotline


1155 15th St NW, Ste 525
Washington, DC 20005