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Why Blacks Are Inching Toward the GOP

Rep. James Clyburn, the Democrat whose endorsement of Joe Biden delivered the Democratic nomination to him in the key South Carolina primary, admitted to CNN he is  “very concerned” about Biden’s standing with Black voters. “People keep focusing on the one or two things he did not get accomplished,” he mourned.

Of course, Clyburn is ignoring the fact that many African Americans are more moderate than the progressive base that Biden caters to. Polls show that blacks favor stricter border controls, prioritize fossil-fuel production over Biden’s Green New Deal, and want to fight crime more vigorously. They are also about the least supportive voter group of the radical LGBTQ agenda of the modern Democrats.

So Biden is resorting to shameless race-baiting tactics. Speaking to the Mother Emanuel AME Church, Biden claimed that housing prices in America are based on race. “Today, a home owned by a black family on one side of a highway, built by the same builder on the other side of the highway, and a white guy living in it, the white guy’s home is valued more than the black guy’s! …That’s how you build generational wealth!”

It’s preposterous to suggest that Zillow uses racial characteristics as the basis for determining a home’s value.  And the days of redlining are long gone.

We think the reason why Biden is struggling with his black voter base is mostly pocketbook issues. As the chart below shows, blacks made big improvements under Trump and have slid back down under Biden and his epidemic of inflation. The poverty rate for blacks hit an all-time low under Trump:

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