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Why Democrats Love Illegal Immigration

There’s some good news about progressive efforts to undermine the tradition that only US citizens should be allowed to vote in US elections.

An appeals court struck down as unconstitutional a New York City law that would have allowed non-citizens to vote. The law, passed in 2021 and backed by Mayor Eric Adams, would have allowed around 800,000 non-citizens in the city—green card holders and others with federal work authorization—to vote in local elections.

Murad Awawdeh, executive director of the New York Immigration Coalition, denounced the ruling because “immigrant New Yorkers deserve a say in how their local government functions and spends their tax money.” They actually have such a way already – becoming a citizen, which can happen only five years after someone legally enters the U.S.

Federal laws have long held that non-citizens cannot vote in federal elections. But more and more cities are trying to implement non-citizen voting. Last year, the Washington D.C. city council passed a law allowing non-citizens — even illegal immigrants and foreign diplomats — to cast votes in local elections.

It’s a well-known fact that poorly maintained voter registration lists make it easy for anyone to vote in any election if they are brazen enough.

A federal study has found that up to 3% of the 30,000 individuals called for jury duty from voter registration rolls over a two-year period in just one U.S. district court in Florida were not U.S. citizens.

There is no reliable method to determine the number of non-citizens registered or actually voting because most laws to ensure that only citizens vote are ignored, are inadequate, or are systematically undermined by government officials. Those who ignore the implications of non-citizen registration and voting are either willfully blind to the problem or may actually favor this form of illegal voting.

Even worse is that many states are allowing Automatic Voter Registration at government welfare offices, which can in many cases allow non-citizens to register to vote. This CTUP study by John Fund exposes the problem. How many of the millions of illegals allowed in by Biden will be voting this Fall?

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