Will the Democrats Cancel Presidential Debates?

Say what you will about Trump — and we know our readers have many opinions of him — one of his virtues is that he drives the left more and more berserk with each passing day.

Last week Rachel Maddow opened her MSNBC show with an announcement worthy of 1984’s Big Brother: The network wouldn’t air Donald Trump’s victory speech after the Iowa caucuses. She told her viewers:

“There is a cost to us, as a news organization, of knowingly broadcasting untrue things….So, his remarks, tonight, will not air here live. We will monitor them and let you know about any news that he makes.”

Now this: Jill Lawrence, a former managing editor of National Journal and reporter for the AP and USA Today, has called for canceling the three general election debates if Trump is the GOP nominee.

“Who would benefit from a Trump–Biden debate rematch, besides Trump?” sneered Lawrence. Others in the Democrat Party are echoing this sentiment. If Trump’s such a tyrant and nutcase, you’d think they’d want Americans to hear his message.

And to think these people masquerade as supporters of the First Amendment.

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