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Yes to a Fed Rate Cut – But Sorry it Won’t Save the Economy

It’s time. But a go-slow approach makes the most sense to us.

Inflation has finally subsided for now. Our four favorite measures almost all point to dollar stabilization. Finally. It only took three and a half years and a 20% permanent rise in the price level.

  • Commodities. After shooting into the stratosphere in 2021 and 2022, the CRB index is now pretty flat indicating no imminent signs of inflation.








  • TIPS Spread. Has inflationary expectations at just a shade above 2% (the Fed target rate) over the foreseeable horizon.







  • Ten-Year Treasury. It’s at 3.63% today down from 5% a year ago.

  • Gold Price. This one worries us. The gold price is getting close to $2,600 an ounce – which is 50% higher than two years ago. This could be due more to international turmoil than inflationary expectations.

The good news for investors is that a rate cut is coming tomorrow. The bad news: it won’t fix the underlying structural economic problems of runaway government spending and debt and the threat of economically debilitating tax increases.

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