John Tamny critiques the critics of Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.

209110Politics and Government

At Townhall, Jeff Bell and Frank Cannon say we need a new Kemp.

From, Tim Worstall discusses Bernie Sanders and the horrors of Eisenhower’s 91% top tax rate.

At, Ralph Benko says Democratic debate shows that the Democratic contenders are all about fairness and nowhere about growth, creating an opening for O’Malley to revive the Kennedy growth wing of the Democratic Party.


From Real Clear Markets, John Tamny critiques the critics, especially Megan McCardle of Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.

At The Federalist, Dan Mitchell says Rand Paul and Ted Cruz were right to float the idea of returning to the gold standard.

From The Daily Signal, Norbert Michel discusses the monetary bills slated for a House floor vote this week.

At, Norbert Michel says that the gold standard is a respectable policy option.

At ThePulse2016, Ralph Benko writes Ted Cruz, Like the Gold Standard: Blacklisted and Loving It.

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