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Judy Shelton covers the trans-Atlantic revolt against central bankers.

bank_of_england_building_london_uk_-_diliffPolicy and Government

From, John Tamny explains why free trade is unrelentingly good.

In the NY Post, John Crudele asks Trump, Clinton if we can talk about the economy now.

At, Tim Worstall says Donald Trump is mistaken, trade deficits don’t exist.

From, Ralph Benko is ready to hand off the next level of achievement of world prosperity, peace and dignity to the Millennials.

In the NY Sun, Stephen MacLean discusses the post-Brexit trade opportunities for the U.S. and Britain.

In the Washington Post, Ana Swanson believes the U.S. economy is sluggish because of demographic reasons.


In the WSJ, Judy Shelton covers the trans-Atlantic revolt against central bankers.


At, Ryan Ellis writes Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton know nothing about carried interest and taxes.


Wikileaks reveals Hillary Clinton’s supply-side: Clinton says she has promoted fracking worldwide.

In the Washington Times, Rick Berman writes minimum wage hikes are putting restaurants out of business.

In the WSJ, Peter Wallison writes after years of slow growth, global leaders are worried about excessive regulations.

On Bloomberg, David Malpass discusses the regulatory wars between the U.S. and Europe.

Photo Credit: Diliff

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