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Judy Shelton would make an excellent addition to the Fed’s Board of Governors.

Policy and Government

Ralph Benko’s review in HackerNoon concludes Innovate Don’t Regulate: The Message of George Gilder’s Life After Google

In The Hill, Daniel Runde endorses David Malpass for World Bank president.


In the National Pulse, Jon Decker explains why Judy Shelton would make an excellent addition to the Fed’s Board of Governors.

The New York Sun endorses Judy Shelton and Jim Grant as suitable candidates for the Fed, reporting in as lukewarm toward Herman Cain.

Arthur Laffer praises Jerome Powell’s handling of the Fed.

Crypto CEO dies, taking bitcoin accounts with him.


From Townhall, Peter Roff details how other countries are trying to ‘un-reform’ Trump’s tax cuts.

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