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Larry Kudlow says the “big issue” was absent from the second GOP debate.

16486614748_6760d58a9b_zPolitics and Government

In The NY Sun, Larry Kudlow says the “big issue” was absent from the second GOP debate.

At Yahoo! Finance, Rick Newman reports on how the CNN presidential debate substantially failed to tackle economic policy and the candidates’ proposals to restore economic growth.

Investor’s Business Daily writes we could use a Senator like Larry Kudlow.

From CNN, Tom LoBianco reports Larry Kudlow is eyeing a Senate run after Richard Blumenthal’s Iran vote.

In the Washington Times, Stephen Moore discusses what the Pope should tell America.

At, John Goodman details Paul Krugman’s cognitive dissonance on Keynes.

In The Huffington Post, Ralph Benko, with MoveOn co-founder Joan Blades, write together at the occasion of George Washington’s Farewell Address to tamp down hyper-partisanship.

On, Ralph Benko covers Lessig’s challenge to Clinton, Sanders.

Monetary Policy

From, Steve Forbes believes the economy will remain as idle as The Fed. Also on Fox Business, Steve Forbes says The Fed is part of the problem, not the solution.

At the WSJ, Anthony Hurowitz says “Unlike his acolytes, Keynes understood the value of gold and the dangers of currency debasement.”

In the WSJ, David Malpass explains how The Fed pulled a Lucy.

In The Star, Suresh Ramanathan calls for abandoning our discretionary monetary policy.

Regulatory Reform

In The Wall Street Journal, Jeb Bush unveils his plan to cut the regulation tax.

At, Thomas Duesterberg says you can take Jeb Bush’s regulatory reform plan to the bank.

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