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Larry Kudlow: With dynamic scoring, Trump’s tax cuts would sail right through.


SchiffGold discusses a creepy IMF paper that teaches governments how to wage war on cash.


From National Review, Larry Kudlow writes with dynamic scoring Trump’s tax cuts would sail right through.

On Newsmax, Larry Kudlow says that tax reform isn’t dead.

At Slate, Jordan Weissmann says the Trump administration may already be losing its mind over taxes.

From MarketWatch, Andrea Riquier tells us what we can learn from property taxes.

In the Washington Examiner, Grover Norquist says Bill Gates’ robot tax idea is stupid.

Investor’s Business Daily slams California’s gas tax hike.


From The Hill, Trump selects Neomi Rao to be his regulatory czar.

Dan Mitchell asks if Republicans will drain the regulatory swamp.

Photo Credit: IIP Photo Archive

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