Monday items: Reynolds on inequality and taxes; Tamny on the 1%; Grant reviews “Greenback Planet.”

From NPR, the great Alan Reynolds rebuts claims about inequality and tax rates.

On Forbes, John Tamny notes the hard work that goes into joining the 1%.

In The WSJ, James Grant reviews H.W. Brand’s new Greenback Planet.

On The Kudlow Report, Brian Wesbury expresses optimism about the economy:


At International Liberty, Dan Mitchell rebuts the claim that consumer spending drives the economy.

From TGSN, Ralph Benko cites Walter Williams on the gold standard.

At Forbes, Benko chides Nouriel Roubini’s attacks on gold.

The WSJ reports a study saying the US is 69th of 183 nations in tax compliance.

On The WSJ, Tom Donelson of Americas PAC encourages Republican outreach to minorities:


In The NYT, Paul Krugman urges tax increases on the rich and on financial transactions.

At Tax Notes, Bruce Bartlett argues 2/3 of Americans and half of Republicans support higher taxes as part of a deficit deal.

On NPR’s Diane Rehm Show, a panel discusses inequality, economic weakness, and declining living standards, but never mentions the dollar.

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