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Monday round up: Woodhill on Keynesianism; Rapoza on the yuan; Moore on Speaker Boehner’s debt limit speech.

From Forbes, John Tamny explains that policies for energy independence are counterproductive.

On RCM, Louis Woodhill argues Keynesian spending doesn’t stimulate economic growth while supply-side tax cuts do.

In The NYT, Greg Mankiw ponders the economy, inflation and the debt.

At Forbes, Ken Rapoza quotes Bretton Woods Research’s Vlad Signorelli discussing the yuan.

On The Kudlow Report, Stephen Moore applauds House Speaker John Boehner for refusing to raise the debt ceiling without deep spending cuts:

At The Street, Peter Morici argues poor U.S. economic management is driving the world back to gold as money (h/t: Ralph Benko).

The WSJ notes tax receipts have risen substantially.

At The WSJ, Stephen Moore reports on Treasury Secretary Geithner’s measures to keep government paying its bills without a debt ceiling increase.

On Kudlow, James Pethokoukis debates the President’s criticism of CEO pay:

On Lew Rockwell, David Stockman advocates return to the gold standard.

In The Financial Times, John Dizard suggests gold is money but is otherwise useless.

At COAL, Paul Krugman cites Mundell’s Impossible Trinity in arguing for emerging market currencies to appreciate.

Also on COAL, Krugman argues inflation isn’t a problem because wages are flat or falling.

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