Nathan Lewis: “The End of Work” explores the expanding world of doing what you love.

Policy and Government

At, Nathan Lewis says “The End of Work” explores the expanding world of doing what you love.

In The Hill, Johan Norberg says globalism’s greatest triumph is eliminating extreme poverty.

George Gilder: Blockchain is the future.

Investor’s Business Daily says the ‘Trump Boom’ is real – just look at the global economy.

Jamie Dimon discusses the dangers of a trade war with China.

On Real Clear Markets, John Tamny believes the Detroit Lions’ coach may cure China paranoia.

On Real Clear Markets, John Tamny explains why America is a magnet for immigration.


Trump’s tax cuts are a gift that keeps on giving.

In the Washington Examiner, Antony Davies and James R. Harrigan explain why the death tax must go.


Government spending on interest will soon eclipse military spending.

Investor’s Business Daily warns government spending is out of control, slams new budget deal.


In the National Pulse, Jon Decker says Brett Kavanaugh could shut down the CFPB.

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