Obamanomics Hasn’t Delivered On Jobs

Politics and Government- Stephen Moore, in The Washington Times, writes Obamanomics still hasn’t delivered on jobs.  

Andrew Atkeson, Lee Ohanian and William Simon Jr, at Investors Business Daily, say 4% growth is possible.

Ralph Benko, at Forbes.com, discusses how the Trump campaign is certain to deleverage and Trump’s reluctance to inject serious campaign funds is likely to lead to the political equivalent of a bankruptcy.

Monetary Policy

Steve Forbes, at Fox Business, says waiting for The Fed is raise rates is like waiting for the Chicago Cubs to win a world series.

Alex Pollack, at US News, expresses how following the Fed’s interest rate drama reveals monetary policy to be a farce.

Toles, the resident political cartoonist at the Washington Post, gives a hard tweak to the Fed, showing it peering into a toilet bowl and wondering if the wage-price spiral will reverse.

Golden Oldies: The Colbert Report’s witty parody of the gold standard

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