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Ralph Benko explains how Hillary Clinton’s economic platform resembles the writings of Karl Marx.

karl_marx_001Policy and Government

In The Pulse, Ralph Benko says Donald Trump missed an opportunity to align himself with JFK, Reagan and Bill Clinton as having the right stuff to ignite massive job creation while Hillary Clinton aligns with Bernie Sanders’s policies of democratic socialism.

In the American Spectator, Ralph Benko explains how Hillary Clinton’s economic platform resembles the writings of Karl Marx.

From MarketWatch, Jeffry Bartash writes Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump clashed on taxation, shared common ground on trade.

The IMF warns trade protectionism will deepen our global economic slump.

In the Washington Times, Richard Rahn separates economic sense from nonsense.


On Real Clear Markets, John Tamny writes an economy reliant on Janet Yellen isn’t worth saving.

Donald Trump slams the Fed for being political during the presidential debate.


On Fox Business, Arthur Laffer says Donald Trump’s tax plan will boost the markets.

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