Ralph Benko says that the (overlooked) essence of Donald Trump’s recent policy speech is “Our goal is peace and prosperity, not war and destruction.”

donaldPolicy and Government

At Forbes.com, Ralph Benko says that the (overlooked) essence of Donald Trump’s recent policy speech is “Our goal is peace and prosperity, not war and destruction.”

In the WSJ, Eric Morath writes anemic wage growth is restraining the economy.

The WSJ writes Make America Grow Again.

In the NY Post, John Crudele reports Americans haven’t gotten a raise in 16 years.


In The Epoch Times, Valentin Schmid chronicles Donald Trump and Ted Cruz’s praise for the gold standard.

George Selgin gives a primer on monetary policy:

Part 1

Part 2

On CNBC, Brian Price warns that the Fed’s unwritten “third mandate” (international markets) may always offer a reason to keep interest rates low.

In the WSJ, Kevin Warsh writes the Fed is using the ‘blame thy neighbor’ excuse for the economy.


At ATR, Alexander Hendrie slams the new regulations on corporate inversions.


In the Los Angeles Daily News, Arthur Laffer explains why California needs a robust, comprehensive water market.

At CNS News, David D’Amato shares some of the sentiments expressed by Elizabeth Warren on the influence of industry groups on the regulatory process.

At AEI, James Pethokoukis says this is the scariest chart about the US economy.

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore

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