Ralph Benko says the Paul Ryan House has made a major down payment on the prosperity agenda.

Speaker_Ryan_and_BoehnerPolitics and Government

At Forbes.com, Ralph Benko says the Paul Ryan House has made a major down payment on the prosperity agenda.

At Forbes.com, John Tamny says Donald Trump’s confusion about China should get him fired.

Politco reports that Cruz cruises to #2 in Iowa.

At U.S. News and World Report, Mary Kate Cary says Jack Kemp would be the GOP’s savior.

In the Huffington Post, Ralph Benko explains how to how to use curiosity to end America’s political armageddon.


In the WSJ, the review of The Money Makers by progressive historian Erich Rauchway falls for Rauchway’s fallacy that FDR’s anti-deflationist revaluation of gold equals inflationist policy.

At Forbes.com Nathan Lewis disposes of the “Gold Standard ‘Deflation’ Fallacy.”

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