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Rubio and Cruz trade fire on taxes

Marco_rubio_cpac_2012Politics and Government

From Bloomberg, Sho Chandra reports retail sales had the weakest year since 2009.

At FT, Joe Rennison reports the two largest exchange funds for junk bonds have fallen to levels not seen since the financial crisis.

In the NY Post, Michelle Malkin says the winner of the Powerball was…the government.


 At The Pulse 2016, Ralph Benko recaps Newsweek’s observation that the Fed is a “marquee issue” in the presidential race.


The Hill reports Rubio and Cruz trade fire on taxes.

In the WSJ, Richard Rubin reports Rubio and Cruz trade barbs over tax plans; Rubio attacks Cruz over the business excise tax, Cruz says Rubio’s plan leaves rates too high and benefits K Street.


Steve Forbes says the GOP candidates need to say what will replace Obamacare.Screen Shot 2016-01-15 at 10.50.56 AM

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore

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