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Shark Tank’s “Mr. Wonderful”: Ignore the noise; focus on President Trump’s policies.

Policy and Government

Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary: Ignore the noise; focus on President Trump’s policies.

Investor’s Business Daily: Democrats are out of economic ideas.

E.U. and U.S. call trade truce, pledge to negotiate ‘zero tariffs’.

Politico reports on the the “ugly” response by GOP Free Traders to the president’s farm bailout.

On Fox Business, John Tamny discusses the impact to consumers if tariffs continue.

On Real Clear Markets, John Tamny says the return of Tiger Woods is a reminder of the genius of inequality.


At the Tax Foundation, Alec Fornwalt explains why capital gains should be indexed to inflation.


At FEE, Nicholas DeSimone says regulations are stifling technological progress.

Photo Credit: Randstad Canada

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