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Steve Forbes: Make the Dollar Great Again!

Policy and Government

From FT, Cardiff Garcia says the average American family was richer in 1998.


Steve Forbes: How to make the dollar the source of great American prosperity.

David Goldman gives another reason why inflation is elusive for the Fed.

In the WSJ, Joseph E. Gagnon discusses the impact of the Fed’s monetary tools.


In the WSJ, James Freeman says criticism of the Trump tax plan sounds familiar.

On Real Clear Markets, John Tamny explains how to make the case for tax cuts.

In the Washington Examiner, Adam Brandon says the GOP needs to act on tax reform.


At Bloomberg, Noah Smith wonders why our debt keeps rising and nothing bad happens.

John Tamny: Hold my beer.

In the Washington Times, Richard Rahn says Puerto Rico’s economy should be restructured.


Investor’s Business Daily praises Trump’s work on deregulation.

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