On CNN, Stephen Moore says whatever Trump is doing on the economy, it’s working.
On Fox News Radio, Larry Kudlow says President Trump wants to end tariffs.
In the Washington Post, Bob Samuelson gives us a close look at the Little Dark Age that began when Nixon did not reopen the Gold window in 1973.
At MarketWatch, Jason Furman explains why immigration makes the economy stronger.
On Real Clear Markets, Allan Golombek argues automated television scripts are evidence robots won’t replace us.
In the Washington Examiner, Alex Hendrie and Kip Eideberg bash Trump’s tariffs.
The NY Sun wonders if Trump will take on the Fed.
At Forbes.com, Nathan Lewis attacks CPI as a measurement.
On Conversations with Tyler Podcast, Vitalik Buterin discusses Cryptoeconomics.
From Forbes.com, John Tamny says the Internet sales tax amounts to domestic tariffs.
In the Washington Times, Stephen Moore attacks universal basic income.
At Forbes.com, Steve Forbes says only free markets can strengthen health care.