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Supreme Court: Nonunion workers cannot be forced to pay fees to public sector unions.

Policy and Government

Supreme Court rules nonunion workers cannot be forced to pay fees to public sector unions.

Director Kudlow moves to restock White House NEC team.

In the Washington Times, R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr. says George Will is down and out:

For that matter, between his famous lunches with Nancy Reagan (and Kay Graham and Meg Greenfield — George Will has been renowned for downing comestibles with powerful women) he denounced her husband President Reagan for his tax cuts while all the while accepting the president’s hospitality. He even denounced Jack Kemp, again, for tax cuts, the same kind of tax cuts that are energizing our economy today. Tax cuts and smaller government bring out the worst in Mr. Will.

Bloomberg: Sky-high deductibles broke the U.S. health insurance system.


Judd Gregg: Will the entitled baby boomers leave us bust?

Federal debt to spike.

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