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Thursday Highlights: Ted Cruz discusses the fluctuating value of the dollar; Judy Shelton assesses Yellen vs. Summers, praises Brady Monetary commission; Robert Romano explains Paul Krugman’s battle with reality

Politics and Government

Lewis Lehrman releases Lincoln ‘by littles’, a collection of short stories about President Lincoln.

Monetary Reform

In a recent interview, Ted Cruz criticizes the fluctuating dollar value, saying we have a dollar that soars one year and plummets the next.

Judy Shelton assesses Yellen vs. Summers, praises Brady Monetary commission

On Plata, Hugo Salinas Price offers his thoughts on international reserves.

At, John Tamny tells George Clooney to stick to filmmaking and leave finance to Daniel Loeb.

On TGSN, Kathleen Packard writes the IMF and EU are playing nice with Greece, Ralph Benko reflected on Bryan’s quixotic presidential campaigns


Stephen Moore explains why Obama killed tax reform.


Sequestration Works! On Net Right Daily, Robert Romano details Paul Krugman’s battle with reality.

On The Kudlow Report, Larry Kudlow describes how banks are fighting eminent domain

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