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Thursday round up: Perry wants greater Fed transparency; Laffer chides Laffer; Kudlow sees the M2 rise as deflationary.

The NY Sun praises Gov. Rick Perry’s (TX) Federal Reserve criticism but hopes he will deepen his analysis.

In USA Today, Jeff Bell lauds Perry’s comments.

The WSJ commends Perry for taking a hard money stance.

Meanwhile, The Washington Post quotes Perry sounding defensive about his comment and explaining that his main desire is for greater Fed transparency.

On Squawk Box, Art Laffer chides Warren Buffett and provides a primer on his famous curve:

At Forbes, Tim Worstall rebuts Buffett’s tax argument.

On NRO, Larry Kudlow suggests the sharp rise in M2 suggests deflationary hedging against European banks.

From Forbes, Louis Woodhill explains why a 10 to 1 spending-cut-to-tax-increase ratio would still be a bad deal.

In The WSJ, Stephen Moore notes the President blaming world events and Republicans for the weak economy.

On The Kudlow Report, David Malpass discusses today’s market tumble and Europe’s banks:

Gold Standard 2012 features an International Economy article by Jeff Bell on the dollar and gold.

At Fox News, Rich Danker notes Venezuela’s nationalizing of its gold industry.

CNN reports US Rep. Michelle Bachmann (MN) promising to bring gas back to $2 per gallon.

On Forbes, John Tamny finds economic lessons in a book on the restaurant business.

At International Liberty, Dan Mitchell analyzes strange Keynesian arguments.

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