At Forbes, Louis Woodhill skewers the false debate between austerity and Keynesianism.
In The WSJ, Robert Barro explains that austerity hasn’t failed in Germany and Sweden.
A video from Save Our Savers mocks the the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee.
At TGSN, Ralph Benko remembers President Ford’s failed efforts to whip inflation.
In The WSJ, Stephen Moore reports US Rep. Paul Ryan’s (WI) effort to prevent defense spending cuts.
In The Washington Post, George Will treads (lightly) into supply-side territory with a critique of Obamacare’s tax hike.
From the comedy archive, Parks & Recreation’s Ron Swanson explains taxes (h/t: Jonah Goldberg):
In The WSJ, Arthur Herman urges President Obama to follow FDR’s embrace of industry during WW II.