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Thursday Summary: Brian Domitrovic on President Obama’s statements; Charles Kadlec on the greatest threat to the middle class

***Today 7/26/2012- the Prosperity Caucus will be holding their monthly Beer, Pizza, and Economics meeting at 6 PM at American’s for Tax Reform (722 12th St. Nw, 4th Floor, Washington DC) Senior economic writer Stephen Moore will be speaking at the event, and you may RSVP by emailing [email protected]

In Cato at Liberty, Steve Hanke discusseshow to increase the money supply without increasing debt.
From Forbes, Charles Kadlec contendsthe governing elite are the greatest threat to the middle class.
At Forbes, Ralph Benko describes how President Obama’s economic policies have suffocated economic growth.

In Forbes, Paul Hoffmeister interviewsFederal Reserve expert Dr. Allen Meltzer.

From The Cato Institute, Steve Hanke arguesthat money and monetary policy trumps fiscal policy at ensuring economic growth.
At The WSJ, Pascal Salin addressesthe European public debt crisis.
From Forbes, Brian Domitrovic criticizes President Obama’s “You Didn’t Build That” statement.  
In The WSJ,  Judy Shelton describesthe unhealthy relationship between banking and government.
At TGSN, Ralph Benko analyzeshow the paper dollar depresses the middle class.  
At Real Clear Policy, Joseph Lawler discussesAmerica’s unfunded pension liabilities.

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