Tim Worstall hits back at Paul Krugman’s swipe at supply-side economics.

Policy and Government

At Forbes.com, Tim Worstall hits back at Paul Krugman’s swipe at supply-side economics.

Chamber of Digital Commerce Founder Perianne Boring named one of CoinDesk’s Top 10 Most Influential People in Blockchain.

Glenn Hubbard says Donald Trump can promote long-term growth with tax cuts and deregulation.

In the Washington Times, Richard Rahn is bullish on 2017.

From Inside Sources, Chip Rodgers is pleased with Donald Trump’s selection of Andy Puzder for Labor Secretary.

In the WSJ, Paul Ziobro reports initial holiday sales-growth projections look strong.


In The Hill, James Dorn says India’s currency ban benefits Bitcoin.

Photo Credit: Zé Carlos Barretta

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