TODAY: Steve Forbes to host Twitter chat on the border adjustment tax from 2-3 pm.

Policy and Government

TODAY: Steve Forbes to host Twitter chat on the border adjustment tax from 2-3 pm.

At, Tim Worstall covers Steve Mnuchin’s 3% growth target and is deferring taking action against China for currency manipulation..


Alhambra Investment Partners paraphrases the FOMC: all those times we said QE was going to work, we really meant that it could work.


On Fox News, Arthur Laffer discusses President Trump’s tax plan.

At, Tim Worstall covers the sticker shock caused by the Philadelphia soda tax.

On CNBC, Steve Mnuchin says “We want to get this [tax reform] done by the August recess. We’ve been working closely with the leadership in the House and the Senate and we’re looking at a combined plan….”

At Liberty Street Economics, Mary Amiti, Oleg Itskhoki, and Jozef Konings explain why the border adjustment tax is unlikely to boost exports.


At, John Tamny writes as Rio implodes, Keynesians have some explaining to do.

Photo Credit: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

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