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Trump’s Tax Leadership

Excerpt from the New York Sun:

A glimpse of President Trump’s modus operandi is afforded by his decision to gather the Republican legislators so he could thank them for their role in passing the pro-growth tax cuts that will now going into law with his signature. Many of the congressmen and women had been working on tax reforms for years. “I want,” said Mr. Trump, gesturing to the scores who worked on the bill and were gathered on the White House steps, “to have them come up and get the glamor and the glory.”

This generosity of spirit is a feature of Mr. Trump’s leadership that one rarely sees acknowledged in the Democratic Party papers and contrasts with his gruff reputation. The event disclosed, en passant, that Mr. Trump has had a remarkable working relationship with a number of members of Congress have have not shrunk from criticizing his occasional breaches of etiquette or political correctness. Or have chafed at policy differences.

We think of Senators Murkowski, Collins, and Scott, to name but three. He could have given a nod to the economists who kept the cause of tax reform alive through the Obama years (and even further back). We think of, say, Professor Laffer, Stephen Moore, and Lawrence Kudlow. (In a column that appears in the Sun, among other places, Mr. Kudlow has probably written a million words in support of pro-growth tax cuts for both business and individual payers.)

Read more at the NY Sun

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