Tuesday round up: Benko on gold; Kadlec on oil; Laffer on Keynesian prescriptions.

From Forbes, Ralph Benko notes a new survey showing substantial support for returning to a gold-linked dollar.

Also, in Forbes, Charles Kadlec explains the link between the high oil price and the weak dollar.

At The American Interest, Peter Hartcher argues the weak dollar hurts the economy.

On The Kudlow Report, Art Laffer counters Keynesian arguments:


From Alhambra Partners, Joe Calhoun worries inflation may rise in coming months.

At The American, James Pethokoukis reports on Herman Cain’s speech defending his 9-9-9 plan.

In Business Week, National Review’s Ramesh Ponnuru critiques the Perry flat tax.

On Kudlow, David Malpass discusses the Greek debt referendum:


At The WSJ, Stanford’s John B. Taylor explains the US can’t lead without a strong economy.

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