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Tuesday roundup: Domitrovic critiques economic historians; Tamny notes Lehman’s impact on policy; Forbes lashes California for an internet sales tax proposal.

From Forbes, Econoclasts author Brian Domitrovic echoes Thomas Sowell’s recent criticism of prominent historians for their coverage of tax cuts.

On RCM, John Tamny notes that mistaken fear of a Lehman Brothers-style financial contagion has infected economic policy.

At Forbes, Steve Forbes lashes California for attempting to impose an internet sales tax.

On The Kudlow Report, David Goldman analyzes the debt debate and the economy:

On Reuters, James Pethokoukis gives two cheers to Speaker Boehner’s (OH) debt ceiling plan.

From Asia Times, David Goldman suggests US debt will be downgraded but isn’t worried by it.

IB Times reports the increased interest in gold and gold-linked currency.

At Alhambra Investments, Joe Calhoun remains doubtful about the economy.

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