Tuesday summary: Domitrovic on Heller’s tax cut advice; Papagiansis on growth; Tamny is bearish.

From Forbes, Brian Domitrovic reports that JFK advisor Walter Heller predicted the Reagan tax cuts would pay for themselves.

On NRO, Christopher Papagianis explains the role of slow growth on the federal deficit.

At RCM, John Tamny argues against buying equities in the current environment.

On Fox News, Steve Forbes suggests inflation is killing US jobs:

At Forbes, Ralph Benko sees gold-linked money as part of the current political realignment.

On the BBC, Forbes says England’s Tory government is making a huge mistake by not cutting taxes.

The WSJ regrets US Rep. Paul Ryan’s (WI) decision not to run for president.

A House Member not running for President would usually be among the bottom stories of the day, except the Ryan boomlet reflects the larger discontent with the current Republican field. Among the current crop of candidates, none has managed to articulate free-market principles and policies with Mr. Ryan’s fluency or conviction. Neither do they seem to be attempting to appeal to the independent voters who decide elections with an optimistic pro-growth vision.

At NRO, Kevin Williamson suggests Republicans risk losing politically by opposing the payroll tax cut extension.

From Project Syndicate, Martin Feldstein predicts a rise in China’s currency.

On YouTube, Forbes discusses the dollar and tax reform:

From last month, Bruce Bartlett testifies in Congress on tax reform.

In The NYT, Bartlett advocates higher taxes on the wealthy, ignoring Art Laffer’s point that the rich have the most flexibility in how and where they are paid and will simply shelter their income from substantially higher tax rates.

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