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U.S. has a record 10 straight years of below average economic growth.

3491833893_5221da6e94_qPolicy and Government

At CNS News, Terence Jeffrey reports the U.S. has a record 10 straight years of below average economic growth.

In the Washington Times, Stephen Moore and Jon Decker explain how the Employee Rights Act could give workers a billion dollar pay raise.

From, John Tamny attributes Jeb Bush’s loss to the economic legacy of George W. Bush.

At CBS News, Robert Hennelly reports undocumented workers own homes, pay billions in taxes.


In the NY Sun, David Malpass warns the case agains the Fed is growing more urgent.

At Newsmax, F. McGuire believes passing Audit the Fed would be one of Donald Trump’s top priorities if elected.


In the WSJ, Richard Rubin reports Ted Cruz’s tax plan has divided economists over it’s value added tax, Art Laffer says the plan is efficient and gets out of the economy’s way.

At ATR, Sergio Montreal believes millennials hate tax season more than others.

Who says DC can’t cut taxes?


At ATR, Tony Smith reports 8 out of 11 remaining health insurance co-ops could collapse in less than a year.


From AP, Joe McDonald and Paul Trainer report global finance official are promising to shore up sagging growth.

Photo Credit: Bob Jagendorf

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